
How Public Officers Protect Civil Liberty

And what this protection requires of Christians

Episode 3 of this 4 part series on Liberty builds on the definitions of religious, civil, and political liberty provided previously.

Today’s question is this: If, as William Blackstone, wrote “political or civil liberty . . . rightly understood consists in the power of doing whatever the laws permit,” what if if the law permits the murder of unborn babies?

What if the law permits two people of the same sex to enter into what the state calls a marital relationship? Is that civil liberty?

Moreover, how can there be civil liberty when you add to Blackstone the statement of Yale’s Reverend professor George Fisher? He wrote that “the management of the state doesn't belong among the original rights of man.” (He did add the proviso that such political power as may be recognized must “accomplish” “the great ends of government.”)

Where the Answer to These Questions Is Found

I believe the answer to these questions at a fundamental is that “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are found in “the mystery of God, of the Father and of Christ” (Colossians 2:2-3).

In reference to this, I previously said we were mistaken if we think that we alone and autonomously establish and appoint officers by elections. We dare not forget that God in his providence, through Christ's administration of his offices, is also at work. This is entailed in Paul’s declaration on Mars Hill that “in him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

Applying the Answer to Public Officials

These thoughts need to be applied to our understanding of all forms of liberty. With respect to civil and political liberty, I think these questions about the role of magistrates by John Calvin in his Institutes gives us and our public officials good food for thought:

[H]ow will they dare admit iniquity into their tribunal when they are told it is the throne of living God? How will they venture to pronounce an unjust sentence with that mouth which they understand to be an ordained organ of divine truth?

But this was my favorite question, to which he added an explanation:

[W]ith what conscience will they subscribe to impious decrees with that hand which they know has been appointed to write the acts of God? In a word, if they remember that they are the vicegerants of God, it behooves them to watch with all care, diligence, and industry that they may in themselves exhibit a kind of image of the divine providence, guardianship, goodness, benevolence, and justice. (emphasis supplied)

I always loved the reference to the image of God. Because all of us are made in the image of God, all of us will communicate or reveal to others our understanding of the image of God. Many may not know that is what they are doing and others may not know how to interpret it, but it doesn’t change the fundamental creational principle.

My Application of the Foregoing

Therefore, I believe this:

If those who hold public office understand they are under the authority, rights, and administration of the King of kings and Lord of lords, and if they understand they are “telling” others something true or false about God in the administration of their office, that would be a sobering encouragement to some and damning to others.

Those in former group will keep the laws of man within the bounds of God's law. And they will seek to apply their understanding of the Trinity to balance the liberties of the individual with the common good of the community.

Those in the latter camp God will deal with justly whether our attempts to remove them succeed or fail.

But by the former way, I believe civil liberty will flourish. The later way will just take longer.

What This Requires from Christians

Believing this requires we live by faith in what we cannot see and that right now looks impossible. It will require perseverance in the faith. But that kind of faith produces righteousness in individuals and, in time, the humanity they form.

Why am I not discouraged? Because it is our heritage that Christians “through faith subdued kingdoms” (Hebrews 11:33, KJV).

Praise be God through our Lord Jesus Christ!